THE POWER OF GIVING AWAY POWER: How the Best Leaders Learn to Let Go
February 10, 2022
11:00 am
- 11:45 am
Bestselling Author & Former U.S. Ambassador to U.K. and Sweden
If you let go of hierarchy, chaos will reign…or so many leaders believe. But when leaders find the courage to distribute rather than hoard power, creativity multiplies, trust deepens, and inclusivity expands… and a new kind of order emerges.
That is how Visa reimagined how we pay for things, how Wikipedia beat the richest company in the world and how Barack Obama and his grassroots team revolutionized political campaigning. These leaders did what most leaders dread – they gave away power.
Barzun brilliantly layers lessons across history and industries with his own experiences as an internet entrepreneur, political organizer, and US ambassador. Join Matthew Barzun as he shares how the best leaders are those who see the value in sharing their power.