Fully Human: 3 Steps to Grow Your Emotional Fitness in Work, Leadership, and Life

May 15, 2019

11:30 am - 5:00 pm

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Scripps Interactive Networks & HGTV

In today’s digital, media-driven landscape, it has become tougher to build genuine social connections with others, especially in the workplace. Scripps Interactive Networks and HGTV Co-Founder Susan Packard, and author of Fully Human, created EQ Fitness (a method to harness emotional intelligence) to address this challenge. She shared her solution at a DEC meeting Wednesday.

According to Packard, more than 40 million people suffer from social anxiety disorder and related mental illnesses. To address this national health crisis, she detailed the importance of understanding one’s internal and external emotions and how it impacts total wellness.

Positive emotions, said Packard, like hope, excitement, fulfillment and passion lead to a healthier mental well-being. She also introduced her three-step process in practicing EQ Fitness: first with willingness, then leading into trust and adopting a “we” workplace mindset. She tasked meeting attendees to utilize the EQ Fitness method to attain better work relationships and company culture.


Carolyn Cassin

Presiding Officer

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Michigan Women Forward